RuSpa Dubai. Tension Relief Massage


60 min — AED 850 765

90 min — AED 1275 1150

It is beneficial to stretch properly to improve circulation. When you stretch properly, you become more flexible and you move more easily. Soreness around the shoulders and neck will occur after sitting at a table for long periods of time. Pain may result from a sprained articulatio talocrural is, even though it is a recent injury. Tensed muscles constrict blood flow and cause nerve pressure. Stretching and massage are similar in many ways, but their main advantage is that they release tension and stress from your muscles after they have been used. As you improve your range of motion, your joints are able to remain aligned due to better blood flow.

The same is true of stretching massages, which will relieve your muscles and joints of tension while maintaining flexibility. You will also achieve much flexibility and improve your posture as a result. Stretching massages are a wonderful way to keep your body limber if your daily routine does not include yoga. There is a 60 to 90-minute stretching massage. Each of our massage treatments will be tailored to meet your specific needs. On our website, you will find more information concerning our stretch massages, so please visit us if you would like to schedule an appointment.